Thursday 19 May 2011

Priopćenje o prodaji djela Ivana Meštrovića u Sotheby’s

Danas 17. svibnja na dražbi "Europsko kiparstvo 19. i 20. stoljeća” (Sale: L11230, 19th and 20th Century European Sculpture) u kući Sotheby’s u Londonu sa velikim je  uspjehom prodano još jedno djelo Ivana Meštrovića (1883. – 1962.). Mali drveni reljef  “Krist na križu” ( 86  X  31.5 cm ) p ostigao je jako visoku cijenu (46,850 GBP /funti odnosno 54,000 EU; 77,000 USD ; 400, 000 kn), naročito kada se uzme u obzir da to nije kapitalno djelo umjetnika, te da je bilo dugo u privatnom vlasništvu i nije jako poznato široj javnosti. Reljef jeizrađen vjerojatno 1912. od slavonskog hrasta, na što ukazuju izvori iz arhive, koju je poklonio dr. Mate Meštrović Sveučilištu Notre Dame-u Indiani, SAD. Oko 1960. “Krist na križu” kupljen je preko Ive Ćurčina, te tako dospio u Formentor (Mallorca, Španjolska), a kasnije u London.

1912. Ivan Meštrović živio je i radio u Rimu, te proveo neko vrijeme u Drnišu i Otavicama , gdje vjerojatno je izradio taj mali reljef.
Od ponuđenih na toj dražbi 116 djela samo su 7, pri tome sva nastala još u 19. stoljeću,  nadmašila cijenu Meštrovićevog djela iz 1912.
Ova uspješna prodaja još jedan put* potvrđuje iznimno visoko mjesto koje i danas Ivan Meštrović zauzima u svjetskoj umjetnosti i na tržištu umjetnina.

S poštovanjem , Rumjana i Mate Meštrović

*Ranije prodaje djela Ivana Meštrovića u Sotheby's :
- The Descent from the cross, 1913, drveni reljef. Prodano 11.11.2008. za 205,250 GBP
- Mother Teaching her Child to Pray, New York, 1925. Prodano 02.06.2009. za 99,650 GBP .
- A portrait of the artist's wife, Ruza Klein, 1915.  Prodano 29.05.2008. za 90,500 GBP .
- The Little Slavan (Portrait of Slavan Vidović) Prodano  02.06.2010 za 85,250 GBP
- Small Drawing "Pietà" 1913. Prodano 25.11.2009. za 8,750 GBP.

A photograph of Christ on the Cross from the collection of Ivan Mestrovic Papers at Notre Dame University, Indiana. The sculptor taught at the university from 1955 until his death in 1962, and the archive was donated by his son Mâte Mestrovic.

  Sotheby's London Sale L11230 17 May 11 "19th & 20th Century European Sculpture"
LITERATURE AND REFERENCES : Notre Dame University Archive, no: GMST 10/23 Title : Christ on the Cross - Wood c. 1912
CATALOGUE NOTE: The present relief can be closely compared with a number of Mestrovic's works from the period of 1911 to 1913. Mestrovic began to carve a series of religious works in this period and continued through the years of the Great War to use these biblical themes to express the great suffering and tragedy of the age. The present relief can be most closely compared in stylistic terms to a Head of Christ, two versions of which are recorded by Curcin dating to 1911 and 1913. The long flowing hair of Christ, carved in gently waving vertical lines can be seen in both sculptures. The crown of thorns is depicted as a softly interlocking chain and the stylised lines continue across the scalp. Christ on the Cross is also related to the sculptor's relief of Christ and the Woman of Samaria from 1913. The sharply angled jaw-line and the distinctive linear treatment of the ear are seen in both reliefs. Finally the flattened forms and the subtle description of the musculature can be compared to the celebrated 1913 relief of The Descent from the Cross, sold in these rooms on 11th November 2008 for £205,250. The present relief is particularly beautiful and displays a delicate sensitivity to the subject. Unlike the torturous later reworking of the subject in Mestrovic's famous Crucifix of 1916, here Mestrovic eschews a harrowing interpretation. His Christ on the Cross is suffused with pathos, yet manages to transcend the anguish of the subject to convey a sense of hallowed serenity. ©Sotheby's

RELATED LITERATURE: B. Gagro, Ivan Mestrovic, Zagreb, 1987, p. 293, nos. 87-108; M. Curcin, Ivan Mestrovic, London, 1919, pp. 64-4; M. Curcin, Ivan Mestrovic, Zagreb, 1935

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